March 1 2021

Remember the stories about senior citizens who were still leasing AT&T landline phones into the 1990s? 

Apparently, some people still pay for cable tv.

AARP Streaming Event March 29, 2021

Live without cable - services for seniors

Brookdale - TV Streaming Simplified

Composer du jour


1732-1809. Classical period. 

“Father of the Symphony” and “Father of the String Quartet” 

You can hear a little bit of Mozart in Haydn's work - or technically, you can hear a lot of Haydn in Mozart.

Haydn mentored both Mozart and Beethoven. Not too shabby. Spotify: Symphony #104

Bird du jour

2014 Rigotti David A RANS S-65, ROTAX 912ULS Series 4 Cycle, 100 horsepower 

Owner: Coyote Valley Sport Flyers, Los Gatos, California 

Grape du jour: Pinot Noir

Did you know that Pinot Noir is one of the grapes used to make Champagne? Who knew?

Outlier 2014 Monterey County Pinot Noir

$12.99 at Target